No added sugar gluten free banana and oat cakes

Banana and oat cakes

It has been a while since I last updated this. I’ve been dead busy with work and I’ve neglected the blog – apologies. I’m sure a break from the cat pictures was welcome by some anyway…

Here is a recipe for breakfast muffins/cakes that I made up and, surprisingly enough, turned out ok. Continue reading

Making soya yoghurt

DIY soya yoghurt

Who would’ve thought making yoghurt could be so complicated. Well, maybe not so much complicated as tricky. Half a degree too hot and you’ve messed it up. I tried a few of the techniques suggested by the Internet, including using a slow cooker, but I think keeping a steady temperature of 43 degrees over 8-12 hours is harder than you’d think when you don’t live in a warm country. Continue reading

Lentil and bean sprouts

Lentil sprouts

This isn’t a crafts or DIY post, but it isn’t a recipe either. It’s just about how to make your own bean sprouts out of dried pulses. Nothing too clever, but quite useful to know. They’re really nice in salads and don’t have that funny taste shop-bought soya beansprouts sometimes have. Continue reading